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Hands Homeschooling and the 2008 Candidates

Dear Homeschoolers and Homeschool Supporters:

AHEA - The perfect time to contact candidates


This is the perfect time to talk to the ladies and gentleman who will be making decisions about laws affecting the education of our children.......when they are running as candidates!  

In an attempt to get opinions from all candidates, AHEA mailed all of the August primary candidates two questionnaires. Candidates who listed their email address with the Division of Elections and those whose email addresses we were able to find, were sent the questionnaire again this week in hopes that we will have a response before the November election. Many of the candidates had questions and we are contacting these candidates and then updating our website to reflect our conversations. 

Please read below to see: responses from candidates, the questionnaires, a link to the candidate's phone and email address (if known), and to a sample letter that you can use in contacting them.  If you would like an AHEA member to discuss the questionnaires with you (or call a candidate with you), please hit reply to send us an email. When you contact your candidate, if you hear comments that other home educators will be interested in, please send that our way as well!   

The Questionnaire Responses:
Homeschool Issues -

Educational Improvement Plans - http://www.aheanow.org/08edimproveresponse.pdf

The Questionnaires:
Homeschool Issues - 

Educational Improvement Plans - http://www.aheanow.org/08edimprovequest.pdf

The Candidates' Contact Information (with a link to verify your voting district) -  http://www.aheanow.org/2008candidatecontacts.htm 

Thank you for helping us spread the word to all homeschoolers!  AHEA does not endorse or support any specific candidate but hopes to inform you of where the candidates stand on homeschool issues and to facilitate the beginnings of respectful relationships between each of us and our elected officials. Thank you!


The AHEA Board

Alaska Home Educators Alliance (AHEA) is an information group interested in the rights of parents to educate their children at home. We are interested in safety, performance, equity, and cost of education in Alaska. We believe you can make a difference.

Sample letter!  

Subject Line - Thank you for your response or Thank you for supporting homeschooling.

Dear (Name of Candidate),

(one or two sentences recognizing him/her for running for office Ex. Thank you for your willingness to serve as a representative / senator).

Our family has chosen to educate our child(ren) at home.   (or I'm a supporter of homeschooling.)  We would like to know your opinions on homeschooling....and, we hope you are interested in our input. 

The Alaska Home Educators Alliance (AHEA or The Alliance) prepared a questionnaire on Homeschool Issues and another on Candidate Educational Improvement Plans.  I'd like to know your thoughts regarding their survey questions.  You can open the surveys and read them by clicking on the following links:

AHEA is an organization that supports all homeschoolers: independent, in-district affiliated and statewide affiliated.  The AHEA board does not contribute to any candidate's race and they do not endorse any candidates.  They simply make information about a candidates position available to home educators.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email and for answering the questionnaires!  You can forward your answers via email to AHEA@AHEAnow.org. Answers are being posted on the website!

(Finish up with - I really appreciate your taking the time to respond to the survey.Please let me know if I can help you with any concerns or questions you have.)


(your name)








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